Athens Weekly Review
June 2, 1938

Athens High Class of '28 To Hold Reunion

Invitations have gone out to the graduating class of 1928 of Athens High
School for a reunion to be held here on Sunday, June 5th, a the home of Mrs.
Horace Barron, teacher of the class. Letters were sent out the past week to all
former members of the class by Homer Lee Parsons, inviting them to be here
for the occasion.

Class members who have married are invited to bring their families. The
reunion will begin at 2:00 p. m. and last until 5:00 p. m. Members of the class
are invited to bring their old scrap books and pictures.

Class members unable to attend are invited to write a letter telling what they
are doing and how they are getting along.

In the above group picture of the class, made at the time of graduation, all are
living except the former Miss Ruth Ash, who was a teacher in Athens High at
the time. Mrs. Barron may be seen standing in the center.

Invitations have hone out to the following, all of whom are shown in the above
Vernon Cornelius, Timpson,Texas;
Aubrin Huggins, Scurry, Texas;
J. W. Hunt, Dallas;
Joe Don Scott, Plainview;
Wendell Sumner, Galveston;
Joe G. Shin, Columbia, S. C.;
Halon Burnett, Canton;
Ettis McLauchlin, Vickory;
Albert Kirksey, Athens;
Mrs. Ed B. Phillips (formerly Miss Willie Tom Gaines), Greggton;
Mrs. Ruby Wallace (formerly Miss Ruby Greer), Austin;
Mrs. J. A. Brown (formerly Miss Margaret Hallum), Aledo;
Mrs. L. C. Scot (formerly Miss Lillian Kellams), Kaufman;
Mrs. J. E. Tyson (formerly Miss Pauline Nowell), Longview;
Mrs. Richard Bass (formerly Miss Pearl Renfro), Athens;
Mrs. Norman Tyler (formerly Miss Nina Richardson), Dallas;
Miss Willie Joe Watosn; Dallas;
Miss Estelle Williamson, Cleburne;
Mrs. R. H. Tanner (formerly Miss Darene Hall), Athens;
Mrs. Earl Bailey (formerly Miss Lena Hood), Dallas;
Mrs. Willie Cecil (formerly Miss Mildred Smith), Athens;
Mrs. R. K. Tucker (formerly Miss Geneva Hill), Karnack, Texas;
Mrs. Tom Shivers (formerly Miss Virginia Melton), Van;
Mrs. Jack Brooks, (formerly Miss Winnie Green), Athens;
Miss Willie Griffin, Huntsville;
George Allison, Athens;
Joel Carroll, Athens;
Glynne R. Coker, Brownsboro;
Jack Coker, Talco;
Thurman Davis, Athens;
Millard McBurney, Athens;
John Pace McDonald, Athens;
Homer Lee Parsons, Athens;
Ross Smitherman, Athens;
Odas Maxwell, North River, N. Y;
Mrs. Paul Gauntt Jr., (formerly Miss Velma Black), Fort Worth;
Miss Ruby Dennis, Athens;
Mrs. T. S. Loughridge, (formerly Miss Leland Easley) Athens;
Mrs. Chas Hayne, (formerly Miss Annette Ennie), Athens;
Mrs. Charles Simpson, (formerly Miss Lois Henderson), Clarksville;
Mrs. Dick Derden, (formerly Miss Margaret Lamb), Athens;
Mrs. KennethAdkins (formerly Miss Mollie Bell McRae), Athens;
Mrs. L. A. Wicks, Jr., (formerly Miss Mildred Robbins), Austin;
Miss Annie Royall, Athens;
Mrs. Fonzo Stegall, (formerly Miss Annie Smith), Athens
Miss Eleanor Spencer, Crockett;
Mrs. Gladys Bynum, (formerly Miss Gladys Walker), Athens;
Mrs. Truxton Shaw, (formerly Miss Hazel Nell Hanson), Dallas;
Mrs. Robert Lawton, (formerly Miss Eugenia Hodge), Wheeling, W. Va.;
Bradford Seale, Fort Worth;
Charles Spencer, Plainview;
D. J. Speed, Littlefield;
Miss Addie B. Harrison, Dallas;
Douglas Moss, Brownsboro;
Mrs. Barney Hicks, (formerly Miss Dorothy Lewis), Athens;
Hawley Wyrick, Athens;
Mrs. Joe Lamb, (formerly Miss Berna Lee Larkin), Houston;
Mrs. Walter Hanks, (formerly Miss Pauline Garrett), Hobbs, N. M.

AHS 1928 10 yr Reunion

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