APRIL 14, 1949
A bunch of wild geese passed over Friday.
Rain fell in torrents her Saturday night.
Tomato plants were transplated to the open fields last week. The heavy rain and norther are bad on the newly set-out plants.
Mrs. L.E. Dosser went to Freeport to stay with her daughter, Mrs. Mark Reynolds, a while.
Harry Dosser, patient at the veterans hospital in Ft. Worth and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Phillips of Dallas were weekend visitors of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Dosser.
Mrs. Kenneth Atkins and children of Athens were Thursday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D.B. Atkins.
Alton Trammell was dismissed from an Athens hospital last Thursday. He is doing fine at this time.
The small son of Mr. and Mrs. James Trammell fell in an old cistern on the place. Althought the cistern was dry it was a very difficult job for his mother to get him out. Later in the week he got fastened in a new hog feeder. His mother hopes he's through exploring for a while.
Mrs. Irvin Mills, Jr. received a letter from Reuben Mills who is in the veterans hospital at Waco, stating that he weighted one hunderd and fifty pounds and was doing fine.
Mrs. Atkins reports that her son, Kenneth Atkins who fell and broke his his six weeks ago would have the cast removed this week but would remain in the veterans hospital at Dallas another week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Green and children of Dallas were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dosser and family.
Mrs. Charles Bruce Calhoun of Athens visited Mrs. B.B. Atkins last week and did some sewing for Mrs. Atkins while here.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Trammell and children of Dallas were weekend visitors of Mrs. Onil Trammell and son, Buddy.
Mrs. Atkins has the prettiest garden around here. English peas are knee high and Irish potatoes are as large as hen eggs, radishes and turnips greens.
George Floyd went to Dallas Sunday to seek employment.
Submitted by Peggy Allen 7/2003
Old Newspaper Articles of Henderson County
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