February 22, 1934


(Special Correspondence)
Modoc, Feb 19 - This cold weather is hard on the young gardens and the tomatoes. Several farmers are raising tomatoes this year.

John Rhodes who has been living here for several years has returned to Neches to work this year.
Mrs. Alvin Morrow has been admitted to the Nan Travis hospital at Jacksonville for an appendicitis operation.

Mrs. Lena Price is sick with the flu. Basil Price of Springfield has the measles at J. H. Price’s home.

W. R. McKay has purchased a new Majestic radio.

Tom Kale and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hubbard and Miss Margaret Sue Price visited in the W. R. McKay home on Saturday night.

George Henry Tuner and family spent Sunday in the L. B. Teague home.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McKay, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kale visited in the Bill Kale home Sunday afternoon.

*Miss Iris Ramsey of Pine Grove, *Harmon Teague and Tom Hubbard spent Sunday afternoon with Lee Roy and Ratha Bell McKay. *(Iris and Harmon married)

Miss Atrell Morrow and Miss Carroll spent the week-end in W. J. Morrow’s home.

Miss Margaret Sue Price spent the week-end with Miss Helen and Alpine Kale.

The local baseball team was defeated by Athens baseball team Friday.

Submitted by Liz Smith

Old Newspaper Articles of Henderson County

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