Athens Weekly Review
Dec. 7, 1933
(Special Correspondence)

Chandler, Dec. 4-The dry weather was broken here Saturday with a good rain, the first that has fallen here in
several months.
Mrs. H. G. Anders and children Thomas and Dorothy Glen, have returned to their home in Huntsville after
having spent Thanksgiving holidays in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Thomas.
Miss Mable Jane Adams and Miss Grace Billy Hardee, students at C. I. A. in Denton spent the week-end
here visiting their parents.
Miss Margaret Green and Miss Louise Cade who are attending school in Huntsville spent the holidays at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Copeland and daughter, Vida Joe, of Anderson, spent the week-end here visiting the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Cade.
Mrs. Laura Manyard has returned to her home after having spent several weeks in the home of Taylor and
Jim Fitzgerald.
Miss Inez Hardee spent Thanksgiving in Houston visiting Miss Jeanette Yarborough.
Miss Nell Dean had the misfortune of falling Sunday and breaking her hip. She was carried to Jacksonville
to the Nan Travis hospital for treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Drennan and daughter, Charlotte of Houston, were the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
Miss Opal Terrell who is a student in C. I. A. in Denton, was home for the week-end.
Mrs. A. A. Thomas was a visitor in Kerens last week.
Miss Frances Fitzgerald was given a surprise birthday party Monday night. Several young people were
present and all reported an enjoyable time.
Mr. and Mrs. Theo Powell had as their guests last week-end Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Calloway and children of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cade and daughter Joan of Arp, were visitors here Saturday and Sunday in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Cade.
Most everyone is over the mad dog scare that has been raging here for several weeks. There's been many
a doge killed and several were given the treatment for rabies.
There is prayer meeting here every Wednesday night at the M. E. church. Everyone has an invitation to come.
Health is very good in this town at present.
Rev. D. R. Cartlidge conducted funeral services for K. C. Killingsworth at the Liberty cemetery on Monday
afternoon. He was assisted by Rev. J. W. Williford of Eustace.

Transcribed by Bunny Freeman

Old Newspaper Articles of Henderson County

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