Athens Weekly Review
Oct. 12, 1933

Flat Creek
(Special Correspondence)
Flat Creek, Oct. 9-- Almost everyone is abut thru gathering crops.
Dave Smith of near Chandler has been a business visitor in this
community the past week.
Bill Werneking and Joe B. Cumbie of Black Jack left Saturday for
West Texas to pick cotton.
Dr. Jenkins and Royce Thompson of Athens were business visitors in the Bud Smith home on Wednesday.
John Knowles left Tuesday for Abilene, Texas.
Those visiting Mrs. W. J. Kelly Monday afternoon were Mrs. Mirtle Knowles and daughter, Miss Exie Mae, Mrs. Clemmie Douglas and daughter, Mrs. Inez January and Mrs. Lillie McGee.
Dee Lawson and daughters, Misses Ella Dee, Velma and Irene returned home Saturday from Denton.
Mrs. Bud Smith spent a few hours with Mrs. Lee Roby Saturday night.
Mrs. Bill Werneking and little son, Billie Bruce are staying a few days with her sister, Mrs. Joe B. Cumbie of Black Jack.
There was a dance in the Mrs. Lizzie Thompson home Saturday night.
Farmer Laymance of Ft. Worth visited his sister, Mrs. Zelma Laymance last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Blanchared and little son, Donald Ray, moved to Temple Sunday.
Bernard Smith spent Saturday night in the Lee Roby home.
Mrs. Ed Knowles and daughter spent Sunday with Mrs. McGee.
Several from this place attended the dance at Mr. Brook's of Black Jack Saturday night.
Leslie Nowell and sons, Roy Truman and Robert, accompanied by Charlie Herdon of Pine Grove attended the croquet game at H. M. Hall's Sunday afternoon.
Miss Ivo Brown of near Murchison and Miss Grace Sanders of near Ash, were the guest of Mrs. Inez January Sunday.
Alvis Roby spent Sunday afternoon with Frieda Werneking.
Delma Carter and sister, Alice, also Miss Exie Mae Knowles attended the show at Athens Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Werneking entertained with a musical Sunday night. Those present were Misses Ella Dee, Velma and Irene Lawson, Irene and Mildred Roby, Grace Sanders Ivo Brown and Mrs. Inez January, Messrs Ramond and Cecil Hood, Roy and Truman Nowell, Bernard Smith, Luther Lawson, Tom Ben and Garvin Thompson, A. C. McCool, Melvin Douglas, Nelson, Travis

Submitted by Bunny Freeman

Old Newspaper Articles of Henderson County

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