Athens Weekly Review
Oct. 12, 1933
(Special Correspondence)
Oct. 9, Another northern and no rain. Pour little winter gardens.
They are getting drier and drier. Farmers are about through
cotton; the ground is so dry and hard we can't plow any.
The plow up checks are gradually finding their way into our
section. Some few are reaping the benefits, while others are
sitting by hoping, wishing their hours away.
Bro. Everhart filled the pulpit Saturday night. Sunday school and
Sunday night services were well attended. Bro Everhart baptized
seven new members on Sunday evening.
Bro. Blalock from Trinidad has been holding a revival at New
Mankin the past week. It was a great success and many souls were
Mrs. Virgie Dunn has been holding a ten day singing school at Elm
Grove church since they bought their new piano.
There will be a pie supper at Elm Grove church house next
Wednesday night to raise funds to buy new lights for the church.
We extend our sincere sympathies to Mrs. Pearl Shaver and family.
We were indeed made sad when the death of their baby and brother
were heard.
Mrs. Cecil Rogers, Miss Ruby Bancom and Mrs. W. W. Philips
reached Athens about the hour little Junior gave up and went his
way with the angel of death to spend eternity with our Lord. Weep
not dear mother. We know this is hard for you but God saw fit to
make a snow white, (words unreadable) in his garden out of your
baby boy.
Mrs. Sam Morton is very ill at this writing.
Mrs. Cena? Andrews is convalescing nicely. Mrs. Andrews was real
sick the past week.
Both schools begun last Monday. The teachers and pupils were
happy and full of life, each glad another school term has begun
after a long vacation. We are looking forward to two very
successful schools. The Jackson Prairie school has two teachers
for another year, Mrs. Pauline Rushing being the new teacher to
help Mrs. Peppers teach. Mrs. Peppers was very lucky in getting
to go to the world's fair. She has so much to show and tell the
pupils this term.
Misses Owens and McCary will help Miss Hickson and Mr. Thompson
out at Brown as the new teachers. We were very glad to have Mr.
and Mrs. Thompson back. Not only are they useful in school work
but in church work also. We will expect them to divide their time
with both churches this winter.
Mr.. and Mrs. Hugh Allen visited in the N. F. Fitzgerald home
over the weekend, the proud guest of mother and dad. We will all
remember Mrs. Allen as Miss Irene Fitzgerald of this place. Miss
Nadine Allen, sister of Mr. Allen accompanied them for the visit.
Mrs. Hollis McLaughlin visited in Eustace last week.
Mrs. Rogers and her mother and sisters had the surprise of their
life last Sunday when Mrs. Griffin and little daughter, Georgia
Belle, of Walnut Creek, visited in their home. Mrs. Griffin is a
sister-in-law and aunt to Mrs. Johnson and her girls. They hadn't
seen each other in 15 years.
Everyone remember church services next Saturday night and Sunday.
Submitted by Bunny Freeman
Old Newspaper Articles of Henderson County
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