Athens Weekly Review
Feb. 20, 1936

Cottonwood Club Meets With Mrs. S. C. Campbell

Cottonwood, Feb. 14.--Members of the Cottonwood Home Demonstration
Club discussed the advantages of good fitting foundation patterns
when the club met Feb. 12th, in the home of Mrs. S. C. Campbell
with Mrs. R. H. Davis, Clothing Demonstrator in charge.

A good fitting foundation pattern insures a good fitting dress,
thus neat appearance. Mrs. Davis blocked patterns for tow new members.
Miss Wilkinson, County Home Demonstration Agent, was unable to meet
with the club on that date to fit the patterns but will meet all who wish to
have one fitted or rechecked at the home of Mrs. A. G. Graham on March 2.

Mrs. E. H. Scarbrough was elected pantry demonstrator and Mrs. A. G.
Scarbrough, Council delegate.

New members were: Mrs. A. G. Scarbrough and Mrs. Vernon Campbell.
Regular members present were: Miss Muriel Roberson, Mesdames.
R. H. Davis, E. H. Scarbrough, R. W. Roberson, G. E. Frazier, H. N.
Campbell, A. G. Graham, H. E. Campbell and the hostess, Mrs. S. C.

Birthday Party

Little Miss Rosa Bell Thornton was the honoree at a birthday party
Wednesday, Feb. 12th, at her home on the Dallas highway.

Those sharing in the pleasures of the occasion were Maxine
Pumroy, Joyce Henly, Bobbie, Billie
and Marjorie Blakeley,
Doris Tucker, Albert Steaford, Anna Sarah Steaford, Ben Warren
Taylor, Wayne
and Dee Griffin.

Various games entertained the little school friends for a time
and delicious refreshments were served before the goodbyes
were said.

Five Star G. A. Girls Entertained (G. A. - Girls Auxiliary)

Mrs. Ben Wathen was hostess Friday afternoon for a Valentine
parth, for the Five Star G. A. Girls of the First Baptist Church.

Valentine games provided merry entertainment for the twenty
guest present and at the close of the play, refreshments, featuring
the Valentine colors, were served. Mrs. Felton Griffin, sponsor for
the group, Mrs. Ora French and Mrs. Fox Rowell were present and
assisted in entertaining.

Sunbeams Entertained

Mrs. L. W. Ewing, sponsor for the "Sunbeams" of the First Baptist
Church, was hostess Thursday afternoon for a Valentine party
at her home in Park Highlands.

In addition to Valentine games and stunts Mrs. Ewing told an
interesting Missionary story.

Valentine refreshments delighted the little guest who were Margaret
Biggs Easterling, Dorothy Pugh, Martha Wathen, Jane Barnes, Patty
Ann Powers, Betty Ross Moseley, Mary Ruth Scott, Janie Ewing,
Margaret Watts, Bettie Jane Thompson
and Martina Maynard.

Submitted by Bunny Freeman

Old Newspaper Articles of Henderson County

Historic Clubs of Henderson County

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