Club News
Athens Weekly Review
Thursday, February 20, 1969

The Eustace Garden Club Holds Meeting

The Eustace Garden Club met Feb. 4 at the home of Mrs. W.W. Lewis with Mrs. L.T. Seabourne in charge of the meeting.  The yearbooks were distributed to the members. Mrs. D.B. Bynum gave a talk on spraying trees in their dormant stage, to kill insects and eggs before they hatch out.  Mrs. J.G. King reported on plans for the building of a fish pond in the ground for recreational area.  Mrs. King said the ponds should be reinforced with wire to keep the concrete from breaking.  Mrs. King gave an interesting talk.  The following ladies were present:  Mrs. W.E. Stegall, Mrs. L.T. Seabourne, Mrs. S.C. McLauchlin, Mrs. D.B. Bynum, Mrs. J.J. York, Mrs. H.H. Lewis, Mrs. C.C. Williford, Mrs. W.B. Andrews, Mrs. C.H. Chambers, Mrs. C. Simmons, Mrs. J.G. King, Mrs. Walter Reynolds, and Mrs. C.C. Bonsal.  Refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. W.W. Lewis and co-hostess, Mrs. H.H. Lewis and Mrs. Walter Reynolds.  The next meeting will be March 4 at the house of Mrs. C.C. Williford.  Co-hostess will be Mrs. C. Simmons.

Handicraft Display Held at CHD Club

Center HD Club held its regular meeting Monday in the home of Mrs. Bert Arnold.  Handcrafts were displayed.  The display was interesting in variety and workmanship.  There were quilts, pillows, bags, aprons, pin cushions, crewel work and other items displayed.  Mrs. Arnold brought the devotional, taken from the book of Psalms on happiness in doing the Lord's work.  Mrs. E.C. Bauguss reported on the meeting of council on Feb. 4.  Mrs. S.B. Shoulders of Center Club, Mrs. R.H. Richardson of St. Paul Club and Mrs. Lena Pearl Davis of Bethel Club were elected delegates to the District meeting in Tyler on April 15.  Mrs. S.B. Shoulders reported on the planning meeting held at Quitman on Feb. 6.  Mrs. Shoulders, Miss Rampy and Mrs. McKay had attended.  Mrs. J.W. White was elected the director.  Seventy-one had attended.  The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. E.C. Bauguss on Feb. 24.  Mrs. Cloma McLaughlin, R.N. of Schlesinerss Home Health Services Agency of Athens will bring a special program on the services available to those on Medicare.  Mrs. Arnold served refreshments to the following:  Mesdames J.E. Harrison, E.C. Bauguss, S.B. Shoulders, M.G. O'Dell, Roy Burris, L.W. Oliver, Fred McGibboney, J.W. White and Glen Eakins.

Happy Hours Garden Club to Landscape Court House Grounds

The Commissioners Court of Henderson County has asked the Happy Hours Garden Club to work with them on a three-fold plan of landscaping design for the courthouse grounds, which is to begin immediately.  Representatives of the club met with the court at a recent meeting and plans were made.  Those attending the meeting were Mrs. John B. Cook, III, president; Mrs. R.E. Saxon, vice president; and Mrs. Curtis Boyd, Treasurer.

Bethel Club Meets in Jensen Home

The Bethel Home Demonstration Club met Tuesday afternoon, September 14, in the home of Mrs. Roy Jensen Zoe Coker presided over the business session, Mrs. Betty Carmichael, in the absence of Mrs. Wilburn Cason, council delegate, gave a report of the last council meeting.   Lena Pearl Davis read the minutes of the last meeting and called the roll.  The roll call was answered with "A habit I need to break."  During the business session plans were discussed for a luncheon to be held in the near future.  Other business was the scheduling of a meeting for October 12th at the Community Center building.  Mrs. Betty Carmichael will meet with the club at that time and plans for improving the building will be discussed.  Guests for the meeting were Mmes, Nellie Handley, Oda Neel, Dellar Hubbard and Browning, members of the Pine Grove Club.  Those attending other than those already mentioned were:  Mrs. Monnie Graham, Mrs. Addie Crabtree, Sue Anthony and children, Leon Green, Midge Turner, Mrs. Etta Coker, Mrs. James Cave and Lena Pearl Davis.

Submitted by Peggy Allen

Historic Clubs of Henderson County

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