LOCATION: Bulverde, Comal Co., Texas (on the ranch of Clyde Johnson and Sons)

DIRECTIONS: The cemetery is on private land, but can be seen a few hundred yards north of FM 1863 about 1.5 miles east of its intersection with State Highway 281. From the main entrance to the Johnson ranch off of FM 1863, the cemetery is located to the right across a grassy field up against a tree line along a small dry creekbed. The cemetery is fenced and contains trees and brush, causing it to stand out on the edge of the pasture. If one did not know, it would look like a clump of brush since it is a bit overgrown. Permission is generally given to visit the cemetery, if one asks at the ranch house.

 The cemetery is incorrectly shown on the county map published by the Texas Highway Dept. It is shown on the wrong (east) side of the dry creekbed, in a location where a Weidner Cemetery is located, and is labeled with a slight misspelling on the map (Schlater). The actual Schlather Cemetery is located on the west side of the dry creekbed, a little further north than the Weidner Cemetery.

 CONTENTS: The cemetery seems to hold just a few graves belonging to the (Johann) Adam Schlather family and descendants, along with other earlier residents (Krueger, Luehlfing).

 GRAVESTONE INFORMATION: an attempt has been made to duplicate the lettering, spelling, and punctuation found on the stones, but this cannot be reproduced exactly. Some symbols are described with notes in parentheses.

  ______________________________   _______________________________________
 |                              | |                                       |
 |       Auf Wiedersehen        | |             Hier Ruht                 |
 |       (clasping hands)       | |          (clasping hands)             |
 |        ADAM SCHLATHER        | |             ANNA MARIE                |
 |           Geboren            | |             SCHLATHER                 |
 |        Feb. 28, 1827         | |          Geb. SCHIDDENHEM             |
 |       in lebenhaussen        | |          Geb. 14.Oct, 1823            |
 |      Oberamt Goeppingen,     | |        in KLEINBOTTWAR KREIS          |
 |    Koenigreich Wuertemburg   | |         MARBACH KOENIGREICH           |
 |           Gestorben          | |             WUERTEMBURG               |
 |        Maerz 10, 1887        | |          Gest. 9.Jan 1911.            |
 |                              | |         Ruhe sanft in frieden         |
 |             ---              | |      Schlaf sanft wer wie Du          |
 |                              | | Im Leben gingst des rechtes Foechrte  |
 |     Sanft ruhe in Frieden    | |  Den flieht im Grabe nicht die Ruh    |
 |                              | | Schwer lastet nicht auf Ihin Die Erde |
 |                              | |   Vergessen sollst Du, niemals sein   |
 |______________________________| |_______________________________________|
Note: (Johann) Adam Schlather was born in Jebenhausen, Oberamt (county) Göppingen, Württemburg (as were many of his siblings, some of which emigrated to Texas). A small district by this name still exists just south of the modern city of Göppingen in the German province of Baden-Württemburg. His parents moved the family in 1831 to Lorch (where additional siblings were born) and then again in 1837 to Brainkofen, which are small villages in the adjacent former Oberamt Gmünd (villages with these names still exist today near the modern city of Schwäbisch Gmünd just northeast of Göppingen). Kleinbottwar (of former Oberamt Marbach) is another small village some distance northwest of Schwäbisch Gmünd on the other side of the modern city of Backnang, just north of Marbach. Johann Adam and family emigrated in 1854, and their son (John Adam) below seems to have been born prior to this emigration.
  _____________________________   _________________
 |                             | |                 |
 |          HIER RUHET         | |    HIER RUHET   |
 |            SOPHIE           | |    JOHN ADAM    |
 |          SCHLATHER          | |    SCHLATHER    |
 |        Geb. EICKMANN        | |       GEB.      |
 |             GEB.            | |   DEC. 4, 1853  |
 |        MAERZ 8, 1854        | | In Deutschland  |
 |          Zu Wettmar,        | |       GEST.     |
 |           Hanover,          | |  DEC. 22, 1941  |
 |        In Deutschland       | |      -----      |
 |            GEST.            | |                 |
 |       JAN. 15, 1900         | |                 |
 |           -----             | |                 |
 |       Auf Wiedersehen       | |                 |
 |                             | |                 |
 |  Ruhe Sanft nach schweren   | |                 |
 | Leiden, Hier in dieser Erde | |                 |
 |  aus, Bis auf unbestimmte   | |                 |
 |   Zeiten  Gott dich ruft    | |                 |
 |       ins Vaterhaus         | |                 |
 |_____________________________| |_________________|

    _____________________________________   ____________________________________________
   |                                     | |                                            |
   |              SCHLATHER              | |            F. PAULINE SCHLATHER            |
   |        MOTHER           FATHER      | |               SEPT. 16, 1880               |
   |        Amanda           Edwin       | |               JAN. 14, 1962                |
   |    Jan 17, 1885      July 7, 1882   | |  daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John A. Schlather  |
   |    May 29, 1946      Aug. 2, 1934   | |                                            |
   |_____________________________________| |____________________________________________|

         |                 |
         |      MIRIAM     |
         |    SCHLATHER    |
         |   GEB.& GEST.   |
         |  OKT. 10, 1924  |
         |                 |

  |                                                           |
  |           Hier Ruht                  Hier Ruht            |
  |           CAROLINA                  HEINRICH F.           |
  |           LUEHLFING                  LUEHLFING            |
  |          GEB. WOEHLER                   GEB.              |
  |              GEB.                  SEPT. 17, 1844         |
  |         JULI 27, 1846           in Bissendorf, Hanover    |
  |   In Scherenbostel, Hanover            GEST.              |
  |             GEST.                  SEPT. 23, 1919         |
  |         SEPT. 9, 1894                                     |
  |          ----------                 -----------           |
  |  Das stille Grab, erschrecht    Selig sind die todten     |
  |      den Frommen nicht         die in den Herrn sterben   |
  |   Er hofft auf Gott und           Denn Ihre werke         |
  |   fuerchtet Kein Gericht         folgen inhen nach        |
  |                                                           |
  |           MUTTER                       VATER              |
  |                                                           |

    ________________________________________    _____________________________________
   |                                        |  |                                     |
   |                KRUEGER                 |  |               (KRUEGER)             |
   |     ANNA                WILLIAM        |  |       GERTRUDE         BERTHOLD     |
   |  JAN 13, 1872           DEC. 29, 1861  |  |          Geb.             Geb.      |
   |  FEB. 9, 1963           FEB. 18, 1926  |  |     Mai 27, 1908      Mai 27, 1908  |
   |                                        |  |          Gest.            Gest.     |
   |                                        |  |    Aug. 28, 1912     Sept. 1, 1912  |
   |________________________________________|  |_____________________________________|
Note: Mrs. Anna Krueger was the daughter of Gustav & Karolina Schmidt, who lived near the area known today as Specht's Store. Anna's mother and some siblings are buried in St. Paulus Evangelical Lutheran (aka Serold) Cemetery on the south bank of Cibolo Creek southwest of Bulverde (which places it in extreme northern Bexar Co.).

Documented by Christian D. Kneupper.

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