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Submitted by Catharine Schwarz cstone@texas.net
Rust Cemetery is off Hwy. 46, Comal County, Texas
near Kendall County line.
Denzer, Carl 1843 1930
Rust, Boy July 1, 1913 April 21, 1915
Rust, Erna 1915 1977
Rust, Harry C. July 11, 1887 Oct. 13, 1969
Rust, Lisette Jan. 25, 1849 Aug. 21, 1930
Rust, Louis Oct. 17, 1847 Sept. 15, 1900
Woolfley, Thelma 1909 1936
Unknown (child-head and foot marker - no name or dates)
Unknown (child-head and foot marker - no name or dates)
Unknown (child-head and foot marker - no name or dates)
Information taken from a survey of cemeteries by members
of Boerne Area Historical Preservation in 1983.
/printed August 1997.