VITAL RECORDS - COMAL COUNTY, TX - DEATHS 1989 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Chuck H. Mahaffey - August 25th, 2001 ************************************************************************ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. ************************************************************************ Date of Marital Name Death Sex Status Abel, Gertha Olga 09-Mar-1989 F Abel, Edmund Frank 31-May-1989 M Acker, Edmund P. 29-May-1989 M Adams, Leonie Zipp 16-Oct-1989 F Adams, Eva M. 22-Nov-1989 F Aguillon, Oscar G. 16-Sep-1989 M Aguirre, Stacy Lynn 10-May-1989 F Aguirre, Santiaga Trevino 01-Oct-1989 F Aleman, Florencia Mendez 14-Jan-1989 F Alves, Jennie Emma 07-Feb-1989 F Amundsen, Bjarne S. 01-Feb-1989 M Anderson, Ethel Elizabeth 15-Jul-1989 F Anderson, Theodosia Ruth 25-Aug-1989 F Anderson, Frank J. 29-Oct-1989 M Atchley, Dorothy Lee Patterson14-Sep-1989 F Austin, Kathleen N. 15-Jun-1989 F Ayers, Joe Edwin 23-Sep-1989 M Bading, Walter Rheinhold 21-Feb-1989 M Bading, Hilmar 24-Dec-1989 M Badouh, Bernice Kay 23-Dec-1989 F Bailey, Lawrence Milton 12-Mar-1989 M Baird, Alvie Wayne 05-Aug-1989 M Baird, Fay Devilbiss 30-Aug-1989 F Baker, Everett 17-Mar-1989 M Ball, Kathryn M. 30-May-1989 F Barnhill, Oda Burke 25-Oct-1989 M Barone, Anthony 28-Jun-1989 M Battaglia, Minnie F. 20-Sep-1989 F Battle, George Dale 25-Feb-1989 M Beeman, J. D. 02-Apr-1989 M Behrendt, Edna 20-Feb-1989 F Bibb, Ruby R. 20-Jun-1989 F Bickle, Hallie W. 24-Jan-1989 F Bleck, Helmuth H. 01-Feb-1989 M Bloxom, Helen Elizabeth 29-May-1989 F Blumberg, Joseph Ferdinand 12-Mar-1989 M Boatwright, Maude L. 16-May-1989 F Boenig, Albert Robert, JR. 15-Nov-1989 M Bormann, Wanda Anna 26-Mar-1989 F Bornemann, Erwin Otto 09-Aug-1989 M Bottlinger, William F. 16-May-1989 M Bowers, John Michael 08-Sep-1989 M Bowers, Christine Joan 08-Sep-1989 F Braudrick, Mary I. 01-May-1989 F Braulik, Jack Joseph 22-Nov-1989 M Brietzke, Herbert 16-Aug-1989 M Brooks, Bernice 17-Jul-1989 F Brotze, Wesley Curt 01-Aug-1989 M Brown, Elleen 08-Apr-1989 F Brown, George Wesley 04-Oct-1989 M Bruening, Frederic Luther 24-Jan-1989 M Buchanan, Wesley Alan 03-Aug-1989 M Burgess, Floyd Lee 01-Sep-1989 M Camareno, Juana G. 24-Sep-1989 F Campolo, Kathie 17-Nov-1989 F Carrasco, Carlos H. 19-May-1989 M Carruthers, George Raymond 07-Jan-1989 M Castro, Tomasa 29-Oct-1989 F Cheatham, Paula Eikel 23-Sep-1989 F Cheney, Harry S. 01-Oct-1989 M Choate, Terry Lee 14-Aug-1989 M Clark, Ike Donald 26-Aug-1989 M Cochran, Mary Helen 19-Aug-1989 F Cohen, Stanley 03-Sep-1989 M Compian, Marcos D. 28-Feb-1989 F Cone, Robert Travis 22-Dec-1989 M Conger, Leo Arnold, SR. 01-Mar-1989 M Conrad, Helen Greeves 29-Jul-1989 F Cooper, Victor Edward 07-Jan-1989 M Cootey, Ellen Joy, II 24-Dec-1989 F Cotton, Katherine Elizabeth 23-Oct-1989 F Courtright, C. Mae 17-Aug-1989 F Craighead, Vera Opal 01-Dec-1989 F Crayton, William Margin 14-Dec-1989 M Crook, Anne H. 06-Feb-1989 F Davis, Arnold Hylmar 03-Mar-1989 M Davis, Edna Rayburn 12-Apr-1989 F Debusk, Floyd Omal 22-Jul-1989 M Dedeke, Alma B. 25-May-1989 F Delgado, Janie Castillo 03-Aug-1989 F Demasters, Gladys 10-May-1989 F Desrosiers, Albert, SR. 08-Feb-1989 M Dever, John Wesley 16-Dec-1989 M Dickinson, Hilmar Lee 30-Dec-1989 M Dietert, Olivia 12-Dec-1989 F Donsbach, Clara 01-Dec-1989 F Downing, Richard Harold 13-Apr-1989 M Drawert, Mary T. 25-Oct-1989 F Dunckel, Rufus E., JR. 19-Feb-1989 M Durbin, Jerry Ray, SR. 29-Jul-1989 M Durst, Homer Rueben 03-Jan-1989 M Edwards, Mildred Thompson 15-Oct-1989 F Eikel, Jon Faust 26-Mar-1989 M Eikel, Albert 16-Sep-1989 M Elbel, Jerome Herman 19-Aug-1989 M Elizondo, Salvador John 10-Nov-1989 M Ellis, Emile Cochran 29-Jun-1989 F Embree, Elisha Davant 22-Jun-1989 M Espinoza, Maria Delores 23-May-1989 F Eureste, Natividad Trejo 07-Jul-1989 F Fearey, Mary Virginia 26-Apr-1989 F Fenderbosch, James Ignatius 24-Apr-1989 M Fenlason, Charles Edgerly 25-Jun-1989 M Fennell, Odd 29-Apr-1989 M Fischer, Sophie Lucille 17-Oct-1989 F Fischer, Henry Carl, JR. 11-Dec-1989 M Florence, Ruby Pearl 03-Oct-1989 F Foerster, Lonie Lydia 23-Feb-1989 F Foster, Karen Ann 06-Jan-1989 F Fowler, Doris Ernestine 05-Sep-1989 F Frazier, Dee Howard 30-Dec-1989 M Friesenhahn, Alma Elizabeth 03-Mar-1989 F Fritsch, Nell Edith 11-Sep-1989 F Frizzell, James Hamer 15-Nov-1989 M Frost, Mary K. 26-Nov-1989 F Fuhrmann, John Mike 18-Oct-1989 M Gammenthaler, Orville 05-Nov-1989 M Garcia, Tiofilo D. 15-Mar-1989 M Garcia, Rudy 28-May-1989 M Garcia, Nicolas 12-Oct-1989 M Georg, Alton Geoffery 23-Dec-1989 M George, Hedwig Clara 24-Apr-1989 F Gilleland, Walter Earl 19-Jul-1989 M Gomez, Herminia Aleman 27-Apr-1989 F Gonzales, Maria Yolanda 17-Jun-1989 F Gonzales, Adelina 28-Sep-1989 F Gonzales, Refugio S. 11-Dec-1989 M Gower, Robert Gene 01-Jul-1989 M Groesbeck, Bettye Marillyn 18-Dec-1989 F Guenther, Margaret Pauline 16-Aug-1989 F Guerrero, Maria 12-May-1989 F Guerrero, Alejandro Amalla 13-Aug-1989 M Guettler, Paul Gus 12-Apr-1989 M Haas, Regina Lynn 08-Jul-1989 F Haas, John Gilbert 19-Jul-1989 M Haas, Rosalinde Wilhelmine 28-Sep-1989 F Haecker, Arthur, SR. 06-Nov-1989 M Hafer, Willie Mozelle 29-Sep-1989 F Hall, David Ashley 02-Jan-1989 M Hall, Elwood Signor, SR. 21-Mar-1989 M Hammond, John Michael 06-Jan-1989 M Hancock, Humphrey John 29-Aug-1989 M Hancock, Albert Walter 08-Oct-1989 M Hanf, Pauline E. 04-Feb-1989 F Hanson, Maureen L. 24-Jan-1989 F Hanson, Helen Bernice 25-Nov-1989 F Hanz, Walter Bruno 04-Aug-1989 M Hardeman, Emanuel Jeremiah 30-May-1989 M Hardesty, Delbert David, SR. 23-Nov-1989 M Hardy, William T. 01-Feb-1989 M Harper, Mattye Ivory 17-Oct-1989 F Hartmann, Roy Martin 21-Sep-1989 M Hassler, Estella Marie 27-Oct-1989 F Henne, Erna 16-Nov-1989 F Hensel, Wilma A. 30-Jun-1989 F Hernandez, Juanita Espinosa 03-Jan-1989 F Heston, Thelma May 19-Jan-1989 F Hoffmann, Joseph William 30-May-1989 M Holland, Emilie Gold 10-Jun-1989 F Hope, Byron Michael 02-Sep-1989 M Hopkins, Larry 09-May-1989 M Horan, Edward Clifford 09-Jul-1989 M Horstman, Sylvester G. 15-Dec-1989 M House, George Warren, SR. 25-Oct-1989 M Howard, Ruby May 07-Jul-1989 F Howard, Harry E. 20-Dec-1989 M Hubbard, Dora 17-Oct-1989 F Hummel, Rosa 19-Jan-1989 F Hunnam, Fenwick Cleminson, JR.09-May-1989 M Ivey, Henry Washington 28-Apr-1989 M Jackson, Moselle 24-Feb-1989 F James, Benjamin Henry 25-Apr-1989 M Jansen, Della Mae 15-May-1989 F Jensen, Bertha H. 11-Jan-1989 F Jessup, Mabel M. 27-Sep-1989 F Johnson, Edna Earl 17-Jun-1989 F Johnston, Mary J. 27-Feb-1989 F Johnston, Howard Richard 29-Aug-1989 M Juarez, Antonia G. 04-Mar-1989 F Junck, Kate 17-Oct-1989 F Kaderli, Gustav Otto 12-Feb-1989 M Kaderli, Evelyn 29-May-1989 F Kanz, Gustave Richard 27-Jun-1989 M Katt, Selma Lipke 16-Jun-1989 F Keller, Robert Norman 21-Nov-1989 M Kemp, Iris Fay 18-Jan-1989 F Kendall, Nina Kathryne 03-Oct-1989 F Keoughan, Richard H. 19-May-1989 M Kester, Violet E. 29-May-1989 F Kirmse, Vera Louise 04-Jan-1989 F Kloepper, Kermit Kurt 14-Dec-1989 M Knoeppel, Mark Lyle 30-Nov-1989 M Koch, Mary Louise 25-Feb-1989 F Koon, Warren Lynn 06-Jan-1989 M Krause, Vivian May 22-Mar-1989 F Kretzmeier, Herbert Carl 23-Jan-1989 M Kretzmeier, Clara Norma 09-Jun-1989 F Kronkosky, Etelka 02-Oct-1989 F Kuechler, Frances 22-Jun-1989 F Kuhn, Norman R. 04-Aug-1989 M Kukk, Aleksander 06-Aug-1989 M Kutscher, Minna Harborth 25-Oct-1989 F Larson, Ruth Anne 24-Oct-1989 F Lawrence, Bernie Leo 13-Feb-1989 M Lee, Alma Ruth 02-Jul-1989 F Lehmann, Anna 17-Mar-1989 F Lenz, Myrtle 07-Jul-1989 F Lenz, Fredo Alvin 05-Aug-1989 M Locklin, James Shirley 14-Mar-1989 M Loep, Albert 08-Aug-1989 M Lucas, Jasper 20-May-1989 M Lux, Pearl S. 28-Oct-1989 F Machuca, Josefa 28-Nov-1989 F Mackenzie, Rosalie 09-Jul-1989 F Mackey, Frederick 18-Sep-1989 M Marks, John Robert 19-Feb-1989 M Martin, Donovan Evans 30-Sep-1989 M Martin, Jessie W. 11-Dec-1989 F Martinez, Luisa Dolores 01-Feb-1989 F Martinez, Lucia T. 14-Mar-1989 F Martinez, Cecilio 24-Mar-1989 M Martinez, Juan C. 28-Sep-1989 M Martinez, Pedro C. 12-Dec-1989 M Mcgee, Theodore W. 07-Sep-1989 M Mcmillian, Ira Dean 02-Mar-1989 M Medrano, Ricardo 20-Apr-1989 M Meier, Freada Anna 30-Jun-1989 F Meyer, Emil Frank 09-Nov-1989 M Mikolajczyk, Mary Margarita 21-Apr-1989 F Miller, Maribell 01-Apr-1989 F Mills, Alma Brown 28-Aug-1989 F Minks, Guy Marion 28-Sep-1989 M Mitchell, Mary Elizabeth 24-Jan-1989 F Mitchell, Ray Charles 09-Dec-1989 M Molina, Estefana 10-Nov-1989 F Molthan, Otto M. 08-Mar-1989 M Moore, Richard 10-Jan-1989 M Morales, Librado, JR. 01-Jan-1989 M Morales, Maria C. 29-Mar-1989 F Morales, Placida 14-Oct-1989 F Moseley, Benjamin Isaac 04-Jul-1989 M Nalley, Jewell W. 21-Mar-1989 F Neal, Alva 19-May-1989 M Neuse, Zilda B. 11-Oct-1989 F Newcomb, Donald Bradford 13-Oct-1989 M Noell, Cora Ellen 06-Mar-1989 F Norwood, Henry Wallace 27-Apr-1989 M Nowotny, Frieda Mary 03-Apr-1989 F Otti, Charles Leo 10-Jan-1989 M Pace, James R. 12-Jul-1989 M Padilla, Onesimo Ortiz 25-Jun-1989 M Page, Marjorie June 25-Oct-1989 F Palacio, Luis 17-Jan-1989 M Pardaen, Lucien A. 24-Dec-1989 M Park, Seong Je 16-Sep-1989 M Park, Carmen E. 14-Nov-1989 F Parker, William Lehman 13-May-1989 M Pe'vey, Dolly Virginia 12-Jan-1989 F Pearce, Warren Stewart 02-May-1989 M Pepoff, Julia Ann 12-Jun-1989 F Perez, Anselmo, JR. 09-Apr-1989 M Perez, Teodora B. 20-Jul-1989 F Pfau, Ralph Leslie 27-Sep-1989 M Pfeiffer, Johanna Louise 23-Dec-1989 F Pfeil, Julian Chester 01-Jan-1989 M Pfeuffer, Mildred Gode 06-Dec-1989 F Pieper, Otto Franklin 16-Feb-1989 M Pierce, Russell Bert, JR. 04-May-1989 M Poole, Dewey Edward 16-Dec-1989 M Powers, Marea 26-Feb-1989 F Pratt, Agnes Ruth 13-Apr-1989 F Preece, Dorothy Mae 14-May-1989 F Preuss, Marvin John 12-Dec-1989 M Price, Lola Alma 11-Oct-1989 F Prior, Bruce Byron 24-Feb-1989 M Pundt, Agnes V. 01-Feb-1989 F Raddatz, Curtis E. 09-Jan-1989 M Rahe, Donald Henry 14-Apr-1989 M Ramage, James C. 06-Jan-1989 M Ramsey, Norman Douglas 08-Jun-1989 M Rapp, Hilda Louise 27-Feb-1989 F Rapstine, Jeffrey Joseph 23-Nov-1989 M Rasberry, Efrom 27-Mar-1989 M Rathburn, Harold Fannin 28-Apr-1989 M Rayborn, Maude E. 08-Jul-1989 F Read, Elsie Albena 27-May-1989 F Read, Elkins, JR. 31-Oct-1989 M Redinger, Ralph Russell 08-May-1989 M Reed, Sarah Lee 21-Feb-1989 F Reinarz, Bertha Betty 14-Sep-1989 F Reinhard, Elton Henry 21-Jan-1989 M Remmler, Peter H. 12-Feb-1989 M Rheinlander, Irma Clara 04-Mar-1989 F Rhynsburger, Robert Lee 13-Jul-1989 M Riegraf, Grace Vera 05-Sep-1989 F Roach, Billy Ray 23-Oct-1989 M Rodriguez, Carmen L. 13-Jan-1989 F Rodriguez, Santos L., JR. 17-Sep-1989 M Rodriguez, Pedro 05-Oct-1989 M Rodriguez, Hilaria G. 15-Oct-1989 F Rose, William Morgan 13-Jun-1989 M Ross, Susan S. 15-Sep-1989 F Runnels, Joe Hampton 08-Apr-1989 M Ruppel, Clara Mae 02-Feb-1989 F Saenz, Maria De Jesus 06-Oct-1989 F Sammons, Anne Elizabeth 12-Oct-1989 F Sanders, Ruby I. 04-Jan-1989 F Sanders, Barbara Anne 02-Apr-1989 F Savage, Lillian Marie 17-Mar-1989 F Sawyer, Dale Lee 07-Sep-1989 M Scanlon, John Franklin 06-May-1989 M Scheffel, Hattie 03-Feb-1989 F Scheffel, Fritz Bernard, SR. 25-Aug-1989 M Schlameus, Gary 22-Oct-1989 M Schleicher, Hertha Emma 15-Oct-1989 F Schneider, Elvira Mary 21-Feb-1989 F Schneider, Erwin E. 10-Mar-1989 M Schneider, Arlon Carl 04-Apr-1989 M Schrag, Nona Margie 23-Aug-1989 F Schumann, Sophie Marie 20-May-1989 F Schwab, Berthold E. 19-Jan-1989 M Schweitzer, Mildred Faye 26-Mar-1989 F Scott, Daisy Lou 18-Jan-1989 F Sellinger, Gerald Marvin 08-Mar-1989 M Serna, Emeterio C. 25-Jun-1989 M Sexton, Mary Helen 03-Dec-1989 F Silguero, Julia 06-May-1989 F Silva, Nicolasa 28-Apr-1989 F Silvas, Soraida 26-Dec-1989 F Silvers, Virgil Ray 25-Aug-1989 M Silvia, Lillian Louise 25-Dec-1989 F Sinclair, Lois Matilda 27-Mar-1989 F Smith, Janet A. 08-Feb-1989 F Smith, Norwood William 26-Jul-1989 M Soechting, Quentin Patrick 16-Jan-1989 M Spann, Edwin James 28-Jun-1989 M Speck, Geneva Florence Lee 30-May-1989 F Staats, Eugenia Morris 06-Nov-1989 F Stahl, Paula 27-Jan-1989 F Stautzenberger, Cora P. 26-Jul-1989 F Stevens, Raymond Arthur 02-Sep-1989 M Stumpf, Sandra Lucille 16-Feb-1989 F Suhr, Almida M. 14-Jul-1989 F Sullivan, Barry Carter 05-Jun-1989 M Symank, Clarence Ted 10-Nov-1989 M Tausch, Irma Marie 30-Nov-1989 F Theiss, Henry William 12-Apr-1989 M Thompson, Pernica E. 20-Nov-1989 F Tibbets, Hazel Gladys 30-May-1989 F Tierce, Charles Ray 02-Jul-1989 M Toussaint, Mary Frances 26-Jun-1989 F Trammell, Helen Ruth 01-Jan-1989 F Trevino, Micaela 08-May-1989 F Trevino, Ramon 06-Nov-1989 M Trotti, Charles Powell, SR. 13-Jun-1989 M Tuggle, Katie 30-Oct-1989 F Van Auken, Walter Ellwood 15-Feb-1989 M Vara, Albert M. 16-Sep-1989 M Vasquez, Mauricia 15-May-1989 F Vasquez, Carmen 16-Aug-1989 F Vaughn, Thelma Estelle 15-Jan-1989 F Vesey, Gladys 30-Apr-1989 F Vetter, Henry Anton 03-Apr-1989 M Villanueva, Joe Angel, SR. 09-Jul-1989 M Voelcker, Valeska 22-Aug-1989 F Voges, Otto 19-May-1989 M Vogler, May Maude 10-Apr-1989 F Vohs, John Edward 09-Nov-1989 M Voigt, Ernst Christoph Julius 29-Nov-1989 M Vordenbaum, Edgar Louis 03-Jan-1989 M Vorheier, Wilma Meta Emma Robe21-Jun-1989 F Wagner, Genevieve 03-Jan-1989 F Wagner, Marvin Herman 12-Mar-1989 M Wallace, J. C. 05-Jun-1989 M Ward, Liley Vila 10-Jun-1989 F Wegner, Emmett 04-Jul-1989 M Weisinger, Gussie Flournoy 28-Sep-1989 F Welsch, Hanno Fritz, SR. 19-Mar-1989 M Werbner, Mildred Shefts 08-Apr-1989 F Wernli, Alfred 13-Sep-1989 M West, Jessie Pearl 02-Aug-1989 F Weyel, Erno August 04-May-1989 M White, Eula Mae 12-Mar-1989 F White, Nora Gene 22-Jun-1989 F Wight, Minnie Giesecke 30-Oct-1989 F Wiley, John Harrington 29-Aug-1989 M Williamson, James Mccredy 19-Mar-1989 M Wilson, Helena Katheryn 13-Jun-1989 F Wisian, Alfred Edward 01-Nov-1989 M Wood, James Wiley 17-Feb-1989 M Woods, James Crockett 30-Aug-1989 M Wooldridge, Cled Elvin 01-Feb-1989 M Wright, Kenneth Wayne 11-Sep-1989 M Wright, Ruby Lee 24-Nov-1989 F Wunderlich, Lothar Willie 27-Mar-1989 M Yeary, Edna Regina 25-Dec-1989 F Zamora, Bernice Margaret 02-Mar-1989 F Zeller, Albert Bernhard 24-Dec-1989 M Zieger, Arnold Reinhold 05-Apr-1989 M Ziesk, Frederick William 14-Nov-1989 M Zimmermann, Henry 02-Apr-1989 M Zipp, Erwin H. 19-Nov-1989 M