Cemeteries Of Comal County, Texas
And Surrounding Areas

This is on a cemetery plaque at a cemetery in Alabama: 
 "Linger awhile and walk with me into the shadowy mist that was yesterday.  Stroll across the faded pages of history and from our hardships learn the ways of a better life.  Pass me not for I am the spirit of your ancestors. In your veins flow my blood and the blood of my fathers.  Linger awhile, if only for a moment and through your thoughts I will know I am remembered."

Sent by Shirlee Lee <leestriplel@windstream.net>
Find A Grave: Comal  County, Texas

Bartels Cemetery Beierle Cemetery
Bracken Cemetery - Revised Bremer Cemetery
Comal Cemetery (Partial) Community Cemetery near Bracken
Dugger Cemetery Elbel Cemetery or Porter - Elbel Cemetery
Fischer Store  Cemetery Burials Records Gass Cemetery  (with pictures)
Friedrich Gass Cemetery Honey Creek (St. Joseph's #1)
Hortontown Cemetery (with pictures) Jentsch Cemetery
Koch Cemetery Kohlenberg Family Cemetery
Krause Cemetery Kruckemeyer Cemetery
Lex Cemetery Lieck Cemetery
New Braunfels Cemetery Revised with pictures Rust Cemetery
Scheele Cemetery Schlather Cemetery
Smithson Valley Cemetery Smithson Valley  Cemetery
Spangenberg Cemetery Shuler or Story Cemetery
Stapper Cemetery St. Joseph's Cemetery (#2)

St. Paul Lutheran Cemetery

Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Cemetery
Uecker Cemetery Voges Cemetery
Wehe Cemetery York Creek           with pictures
Zion Cemetery York Creek           Bob Rheinlander  suggested this link.

Publications with Cemeteries from Comal County

Cemeteries of New Braunfels
Complete search of all tombstones within the City limits.
This book has the following Cemeteries:
Comal Cemetery - Sts. Peter & Paul Cemetery - Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cemetery - New Braunfels Cemetery - Panteon - Hildalgo Cemetery - Hortontown Cemetery - Small Family Cemetery - Eickenroth Cemetery - The Landing
Comal Cemetery (also called “Peins”) Sexton's Records - Requests for burial on Common Street, from Aug. 13, 1873 to Dec. 1900.  Comal Cemetery Records - 1873 - 1998 (New) - This cemetery was also known as the Comaltown Cemetery  **Map
Lest We Forget
Cemeteries of Comal County, Texas and Surrounding Areas Excluding New Braunfels  
This book has the following Cemeteries:
Deppenschmit - Georg - Georg - Honey Creek - Koch - Krause - Kruckenmeier - Letsch - Lex - Rust - Scheel - Stahl - St. Joseph Catholic - Wehe - Bergman - Elbel - Gass - Kretzer - Kuebel - Neugebauer - Specht - Conrad - Conrad - Fisher - Haas - Kohlenburg - Nowotny - Posey - Sattler - Schlameus - Seegers - Spangenberg - York Creek - Artzt - Becker - Bremer - Burkhardt - Crane's Mill - Heimer - Jentsch - Jonas - Porter-Elbel - Remmler - Rust - Rust - Simon - Bartels - Beierle - Doehne - Esser - Hanz - Heimer - Kellerman - Kraft - Kraft - Meyer - Mountain Valley - Pantermuhl - Gus Rust - Smithson Valley - Un-named Mexican - Weidner -Faiguaux - Johann Georg - Kappelmann - Rittiman - Schlather - Uecker - Uecker- Hitzfelder - Voges - Voges - Weidner - Weidner - Adams - Arnold - Cemetery No Longer Existing - Gesche - Hillert - Kunkle - Robert O'Dell - Rompel - Alwine Vogel - Vogel - Vogel-Voges - Bracken - Bracken Community Cemetery - Busch - Hankammer - Kruesler - Marbach - Moehrig - Sahm - Schwab - St. Joseph, Wenzel, 8 Mile & 7 Mile Creek - Tonne - Wahl - Weilbacher - Wuest - Zion - Relocated Canyon Lake Cemetery - Davenport - Engelmann - Evans - Groenke - Grote - Hoffmann - Jauer - David Kincaid - Fritz Koch - Koehler-Krueger - Kruse - Kupferschmidt - Leesch-Uecker - Little Blanco - Real - Reichmuth - Schulmeier - Selma - Smith - Specht - St. Paul's Lutheran - Tampke - Traugott - Twin Sisters - Herman Vogel - Wetmore - Wheeler
Old New Braunfels & Comal Cemetery
(including the Freeman's Section) – Requests for burial from 1917 to 1957. **Map
Old New Braunfels Cemetery Sexton's Records
Requests for burial on State Hwy. 81 from Aug. 10, 1873 to Jul. 5, 1917.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cemetery
Cemetery #1 & #2, Selma, TX and St. Joseph's/ Wenzel’s 8 & 7 Mile Creek Cemetery, Comal, TX
All publications can be purchased from Comal County Genealogy Society.

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