Bandera County TXGenWeb
Probate Court Records
Wills, Probates, Guaridianships, Lunacy Hearings.

Always underconstruction, send in files anytime
Book 5, Case 144 continued from book 4, Gates Minors
Book 5 , Case 197 Page 41- Estate of R. K. Kernadle
Book 5 , Case 213 - J.F. Tom decd
Book 5, Case 216 -Guardianship of Suzie Bell Moseley
Book 5, Case 217 - guardianship of Ola Irene & Bessie Elkins
Book 5, Case 219 - State of Texas vs Pancho Mendosa  1906
Book 5, page 8,  Case 218, - Estate of Samuel B. Grafton
No case no. 219 in the book was skipped.
Case 220 Book 5,-Guardianship  Mobley Children
Book 5, case 221- Probate of John B. Baker
Book 5, Case 225, Estate of T. G. & Annie E. Dial
Book 5, case 228, Estate of W.O. Benton
Book 5, case 63, Estate of Em Tyra
Book 5, case 224 Estate of Renetta Czerner

This page is maintained by Donna Schulte Loth - 2009
If you find any of the Bandera County TXGenWeb
links inoperable, please send me a message.