Bandera County TXGenWeb
Probate Book 5

Page 12, Book Case no. 213 -abstract:
J.F. Tom Decd. Wife was Mrs. Nancy Tom, Inventory of his estate;
134 Acres E. side survey, No 15312 Originally granted to John Leakey + $1,072.00
120 Actes East part of Survey no. 1531 known as J.J.Pickett Survey + $480.
320 Acres Surnvey no. 15315 Cert. no. 4737 SC & SFRR Co. = $320.00
25 head cattle $200.
Horses and Mules 7 head $280
80 head goats $100.
15 head hogs $30
Mower and rake $25
Wagon $15 Buggie $5
Three bedsteads - 8 chairs $14
Three tables and sewing machine $9
One dresser and washstand $6
One cot   one trunk $2
Beds and bed clothing $30
Stove and utensils and tableware $30
1 safe 1 doz chickens $3
Total $262
Signed appraizers S.T. Cooper and R.Grigsby 30 Nov 1906
to Ed. A.Kelley J.P. Prec. 5, Bandera Co.

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