Bandera County TXGenWeb
Medina Schools

If you can help identify the students in any of these or have photographs, stories or other
information to share about the Medina Schools, please share!

Next page of Medina School Photographs


Taken at Medina School approx in 1910
The girl second from the left in the back row is Lucile Gilbert (Later Muehl) at approx age 10 .
This photograph belonged to Dora Gilbert (Later, Fagan and then Whitehouse), Lucile's sister.
When she identified it for me in the 1980's she could not see well enough or was positive but she
thought Dora is the one in the white hat in the middle of the same row.
If you can identify any of the other students in the photographs, please email me.

This page is maintained by Donna Schulte Loth - 2009
If you find any of the Bandera County TXGenWeb
links inoperable, please send me a message.