Bandera County TXGenWeb
Books about Bandera County
Additions to this list are always welcome.

Frontier Times Magazines.
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Online Books

Books That Can Be Bought or
Borrowed Through Interlibrary Loan Programs
  • Bandera County History Book Committee, "History of Bandera County, Texas" (Dallas: Curtis, 1986).
  • Mrs. Howard Graves, "History of Bandera County Schools for Over a Century" (Bandera, Texas: Bandera County Historical Survey Committee, 1973).
  • Baptist Century in the Sabinal Canyon (Austin: Nortex, 1986).
  • Douglas E. Barnett, "Mohair in Texas: Livestock Experimentation on the Edwards Plateau" (M.A. Thesis - University of Texas at Austin, 1983).
  • James B. Gibson, "Indian Raids in Bandera County"
  • Frontier Times, June 1936. J. Marvin Hunter, "A Brief History of Bandera County" (Bandera, Texas: Frontier Times, 1949). J. Marvin Hunter
  • "One Hundred Years in Bandera, 1853-1953" (Bandera, Texas: Hunter's Printing, 1953). J. Marvin Hunter
  • "Pioneer History of Bandera County" (Bandera, Texas: Hunter's Printing, 1922)
  • Mrs. Albert Maverick, "Ranch Life in Bandera County After 1878," Frontier Times, April 1928. T. U. Taylor
  • "Bandera County Pioneer Cattle Brands," Frontier Times, June 1937
  • T. Lindsay Baker, "The First Polish Americans: Silesian Settlements in Texas" (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1979)
  • Frank W. Johnson, "A History of Texas and Texans" (5 vols., ed. E. C. Barker and E. W. Winkler [Chicago and New York: American Historical Society, 1914; rpt. 19
  • Bandera County History Book Committee, "History of Bandera County, Texas" (Dallas: Curtis, 1986)
  • "Bandera County Homes and Buildings of History" (2 vols., Bandera, Texas, 1971-72)
  • Camp Montel - Charles de Montel Papers, Barker Texas History Center, University of Texas at Austin. William Curry Holden, "Frontier Defense in Texas during the Civil War," West Texas Historical Association Year Book 4(1928
  • "Little Towns of Texas" (Jacksonville, Texas: Jayroe Graphic Arts, 1982)
  • Texas Surveyors Association Historical Committee, "Three Dollars Per Mile: Accounts of Early Surveying in Texas"

  • (Burnet, Texas: Eakin Press, 1981)
  • "The Riverside House," Bandera County Historian, Winter 1983. Cyril Matthew Kuehne, S.M.
  • "Ripples from Medina Lake" (San Antonio: Naylor, 1966) James C. and Robert Sidney Martin,
  • C. Stanley Banks, "The Mormon Migration into Texas" Southwestern Historical Quarterly 49 (October 1945). Davis Bitton, ed., The Reminiscences and Civil War Letters of Levi Lamoni Wight (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1970)
  • Gillespie County Historical Society, "Pioneers in God's Hills" (2 vols., Austin: Von Boeckmann-Jones, 1960, 1974)
  • "Lyman Wight and the Mormons in Texas," Frontier Times, June 1941
  • Bandera Bulletin, July 5, 1957. Florence Elberta Barns, "Texas Writers of Today" (Dallas: Tardy, 1935). J. Marvin Hunter Papers, Barker Texas History Center, University of Texas at Austin.
  • J. Marvin Hunter, "Peregrinations of a Pioneer Printer: An Autobiography" (Grand Prairie, Texas: Frontier Times, 1954).
  • Published by: OPHGR *Organization for the Preservation of Historical and Genealogical Records", "Early Marriages of Bandera County, Texas 1856 - 1891" (P. O. Box 1551 Canton, Texas 75103


    "The Man From Bandera" by Selby Parker, ED.D - available online

    "The Camel Boy, a Novel About the Civil War" by Selby Parker, ED.D - available online

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